Frequently Asked Questions

We hope this list is helpful - we are always available via email or phone to answer any additional questions.

What is the difference between a reseller and a consultant?


A Certified Consultant offers consulting services, support and help/assistance. Any additional ASI modules can be purchased through our partner Resellers.

A Reseller offers both product sales and support.

Why work with System Resources as my iMIS consultant?

We offer creative solutions by thinking outside the box!

Personal one on one support and attention. Combined 8 years of iMIS experience, 15 years of Web experience, 8 years of association management - and great customer service!

Just ask our clients (a list can be provided at your request)

Do I need to change resellers to work with System Resources?

No you can still maintain your relationship with your reseller if you wish. If you would like to make a change in resellers we can recommend a few really great ones to work with!

How did System Resources become certified to support iMIS?

System Reseources is required to maintain an annual license fee and in addition maintain educational standards in all ASI products we support.

Combined we have over 8 years of iMIS experience and outstanding e-Series web development skills.

How long has System Resources been working with iMIS?

We started working with iMIS in 1998. Since then we have been an import part of new iMIS installations, upgrading clients from LAN to Client Server and moving Adaptive Server Anywhere Clients to MSDE.

Our e-Series experience also began in 1998 still supporting one of the first clients to install e-Series on the West Coast. Now with iBO development and additional Cold Fusion we can accomplish any customizations including simple or complex content management.

Do you provide both on site and telephone iMIS support?

Yes we do! For most technical support issues we can resolve the problem over the phone. We also use various remote connection options such as, Citrix, SQL Query Analyzer and PC Anywhere to connect remotely to your server or workstation. We can arrange an onsite visit too.

We have an extender application, can you support that?

Yes we can support or create an extender application as ASI Certified Consultants.

Do you do training for iMIS, Crystal Reports etc?

Yes we do training for all iMIS modules and platforms. We can provide assistance or training in both Access and Crystal Reports.

Can you create specialized reporting?

We can create any type of report that you need. Using iMIS allows you to pull data into any type of report that is required.

Please contact us for more information.

Copyright © 2011 System Resources Inc.